HUD Maker Ultra – MZ Tool & Plugin

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A plugin that allows for the creation of map and battle HUDs using an external, custom-built editor. Everything from text and pictures to gauges and faces is provided. Presets for conditions, text, and numbers are also hard-loaded and ready to be configured for RPG Maker projects. Everything needed to get started can be downloaded using the button below!

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Elemental Skill Colors – C++ MV Plugin

This is a port of the first MV plugin I had ever developed; however instead of using JavaScript, this version is entirely written in C++! Using node-gyp, a native NodeJS module is used to interact with the global namespace of the MV game and modifies the desired functions with native, C++ code.

In order to install, simply download the precompiled ZIP version (only works on Windows and MV projects at version 1.5.2 or below). Extract the ZIP in the plugins folder so that the “native-plugins” folder is within the plugins folder. Install the SRD_ElementalSkillColors.js file like any other plugin and you’ll be good to go!

This plugin is nothing more than a proof of concept. For this plugin in particular, there are no performance benefits. However, if a larger product (such as HUD Maker, a pixel-movement plugin, etc.) was built more into the C++ context, there would be drastic improvements.

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Translation Engine – MV Plugin

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This plugin does not have any dependencies.

This plugin provides game developers with tools necessary to easily and effectively translate and localize all the text within their game. This is through both an in-game tool that can be used while playtesting and a powerful notetag system for translating database inputs.

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CCEX Message Faces – MV Plugin

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This plugin requires the Character Creator EX plugin:

You also need the Game Upgrade plugin:

This plugin allows developers to give custom characters multiple expressions through Show Text events. They are created by changing specific pieces of the custom character’s face image.

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CCEX Dynamic Actors – MV Plugin

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This plugin requires the Character Creator EX plugin:

You also need the Game Upgrade plugin:

This plugin allows Actors to have their sprites and images dynamically change based on the Class, Weapon, or Armors that the Actor has equipped.

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