Custom Faces – MV Plugin

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This plugin requires the Character Creator plugin!

This plugin allows developers to give custom characters multiple expressions through Show Text events. They are created by changing specific pieces of the custom character’s face image.

Look at the code or download the Plugin:

Custom Faces

This plugin allows developers to give custom characters multiple expressions
through Show Text events. They are created by changing specific pieces of the
custom character’s face image.

How to Set up the Parameters

The Parameters are split into sections referred to as “Custom Faces”.
Each one has a specific amount of sections that are replaced, and the new
pieces for each section that is replaced.

For example, if you wish Custom Face 1 to force the face image to use the
Mouth (3) file from the Mouth Section, you would do something like this:

Custom Sections 1

Custom Pieces 1
Mouth (3)

For multiple sections or pieces, simply separate with commas. Make sure the
sections and pieces are in the same order:

Custom Sections 1
Mouth, Eyes, Eyebrows

Custom Pieces 1
Mouth (3), Eyes (5), Eyebrows (4)

Message Notetags

If you wish to use a custom face, simply add another parameter to the normal
Custom Face notetag within the Show Text event:

<CC Face: [actorId], [faceId]>

Set [actorId] to the ID of the Actor who’s face you wish to be displayed.
Set [faceId] to the ID of the custom face created in the Parameters.

For example:

<CC Face: 1, 3>

This would show the custom character face of Actor ID 1 and force the custom
face 3 pieces to be used with it.



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