An extension Plugin to SRD_PKM_TypeSystem (1.01+)
Using this Plugin, the place where usually the Actor’s Class is located is replaced with the Actor’s Elements.
An extension Plugin to SRD_PKM_4MovesOnly!
Allows you to call upon a screen to select an Actor and delete a Skill from that Actor.
Can even delete undeleteable moves!
Very simple: this Plugin forces your Actors to only have 4 Skills.
On an attempt to obtain any more, they are given a screen and forced to delete one.
This is one more step to making the ultimate Pokemon game!
This Plugin allows you to set up an input box for a Trainer’s name without having to create an Actor for the Trainer. It displays an animated walking sprite in the top corner as opposed to the face image, and allows for fluidity between the display options of Male and Female!
This Plugin was based off of the Independent Character Sprite.
Using this Plugin, you can set up two character sprites to be used as a Male or Female player. These sprites will be independent of the party members, and can be selected in the game. This Plugin is not compatible with the Independent Character Sprite Plugin.
Using this Plugin, you can manually set the Player image despite what the Party members are. You can also change it and disable it during the game.
This is a Plugin that adds the Pokemon Types system into your game.
You can assign certain Elements to your Actors and Enemies, and you can set up a list of Elements that are Super Effective or Not Very Effective per each Element in your game.
Using this Plugin, you can speed up your game up to ten times the normal speed while you are playtesting it.
Using a keyboard button, you can cycle through multiple different speeds in order to quickly play through your game while testing it!
Allows you to restrict the Player’s movement based on certain Game Switches or JavaScript conditions.
Allows you to view a whole ton of random information while you are playtesting your amazing game!
View things from Variables, Switches, Player info, and System info; customize the display options of the text displayed and toggle it using a keyboard button!