Summon Core – MV Plugin

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This plugin allows developers to create skills that summon Actors into the player’s party using various parameters.

Look at the code or download the Plugin:

Summon Core

This plugin allows developers to create skills that summon Actors into the
player’s party using various parameters.

Setting up Summoning Skill

In order to make a Skill become a Summon Skill, use the following notetag:

Actor ID: x
<End Summon>

Simply set “x” to the Actor ID you wish to be summoned.

Summoning Properties

Various properties can be added to the Summoning Skills. They can be
customized within the Summon notetags:

Actor ID: 2
Level: 10
Turns: 2
<End Summon>

Here is a list of all the properties available:


Determines the level of the summoned Actor. This can be a number or
JavaScript code that uses the “actor” variable to reference the user.


Determines the number of turns the summon will last. Set to -1 to make
the summon last until the end of the battle or death.


Determines the animation used for when the summon is summoned.

Exit Animation

Determines the exit animation used for when the summon leaves.


Determines the X position of the summon. Can use JavaScript code.
If using JavaScript code, “index” refers to the summon’s index within the
party and “master” refers to the sprite of the summoner.*


Determines the Y position of the summon. Can use JavaScript code.
If using JavaScript code, “index” refers to the summon’s index within the
party and “master” refers to the sprite of the summoner.

Position Examples

If one wants to position the summoned Actor relative to the summoner,
the following code could be used:

Actor ID: 2
X: master._mainX – 120
Y: master._mainY
<End Summon>

This would position the summon 120 pixels to the left of the summoner.


38 thoughts on “Summon Core – MV Plugin

  1. Raen Andaleio

    this is awesome, exactly what I need for my summoner class. Just one question, is it possible to limit the amount of summons? Say, depending on the level? If the player is level 1-9, they can summon one actor, if they are 10-19, they can summon 2 and so on?

  2. Leevan Morgan-Ramsaroup

    Is there a way you can dismiss a summon whenever you want, so you switch out various summons with ease rather than them dying or having a few turns on the field?

  3. Shane Crawford

    Hey there, just installed the plugin, but while trying to use it i get the error message
    cannot read property ‘party ability’ of undefined

    has anyone else encountered this?
    What do ya think??


      1. Domika

        its bcs of yanfly plugin these two dont work together
        animated sideviews battler
        if u disable this yanfly it will work (at least for me it works)

        1. JustXHiro

          There’s no error in my project when using Yanfly’s Animated SV Enemies.
          I had the error at one of SRD plugins… Between BattleGUICore and BattleStatusCustomizer(Part 1 & Part 2), I don’t remember ^^”

    1. JustifydWarrior

      I encountered an error on line 2773 of YEP_X_AnimatedSVEnemies.js.

      it’s just some bad (old es3 style) null checking. if you swap line 2 below for that line it will work just fine… now if its null/undefined/””/0 it will skip the this section.

      Sprite_Animation.prototype.updateSvePosition = function() {
      if (this._target.parent._battler && this._target.parent._battler.isEnemy() && typeof this._target.parent._mainSprite != ‘undefined’){
      if (this._animation.position !== 3) {
      if (this._animation.position === 0) {
      this.y += this._target.parent._mainSprite.height – this._target.parent.texture.height;
      } else if (this._animation.position === 1) {
      this.y += (this._target.parent._mainSprite.height – this._target.parent.texture.height) / 2;

      in the case of our summons plugin, this value is null rather than undefined.

      I simply swapped `if(typeof this._target.parent._battler != ‘undefined’ …` for `if(this._target.parent._battler …`

      1. Metachaser

        Thanks for providing this. However, It seems like when using this code, other functionality of the Animated SV Enemies YanFly plugin becomes disabled. For instance, making enemy actors “breathe” does not work, and calling side view battlers no longer works either. Were you able to find a fix for these other issues? I appreciate you providing the above fix, but I wanted to check if you were able to get these other issues fixed as well, or how you handled them.

  4. AlexClips

    Whenever i use this with your BattleStatusCustomizer the summoned actor is outside the screen and sometimes it covers the skills/items menù

    1. AlexClips

      It also make the game summoned actor literaly broke, as it isn’t animated anymore, it doesn’t show the skills, and also it makes the game crash when the summoned actor turn comes

  5. jefferson gonzaga figueiredo

    look … if i have only one player in the group, summon, when used, involves the amount of space that i have free.
    example: if there is room for 3 more players. it involves 3 summon
    of the same involved.
    how to solve this?
    I want to involve just one.

    1. Durance Gaming

      Did you ever find out the solution to this? I have the same problem as well. I had to update my project files and the plugin still works perfectly with the exception that it’s summoning in 3 of each thing I summon. If I summon a dog, I get 3 dogs all in the same location.

      If I set maximum summons to 1 then I only get 1 dog. So it’s definitely just executing something 3 times for some reason. I wonder if there’s a way to make a summoned unit unique, so that there can only be 1 of that summon on the battlefield at a time. That’d be an easy fix I think.

    2. Durance Gaming

      It was a plugin conflict with SRD Timed Attack Core. I turned off the timed attacks and it summons the right amount.

      1. jefferson gonzaga figueiredo

        intrigante o plug-in do proprio e mesmo desenvolvedor entrarem em conflito. então por em quanto é isso.
        ficarei sem o uso do timed attack ja que para meu projeto os summon faz parte da historia.
        obg pela ajuda

  6. SoulOfRock

    When i summon a character all its ok but when the summon atack and finish the atack this happend:

    TypeError: Cannot read property ‘isEnemy’ of null
    at Sprite_Animation.updateSvePosition (YEP_X_AnimatedSVEnemies.js:2773)
    at Sprite_Animation.updatePosition (YEP_X_AnimatedSVEnemies.js:2769)
    at Sprite_Animation.updatePosition (MOG_FlashDamage.js:331)
    at Sprite_Animation.updateMain (rpg_sprites.js:1354)
    at Sprite_Animation.update (rpg_sprites.js:1240)
    at rpg_core.js:4068
    at Array.forEach ()
    at Sprite.update (rpg_core.js:4066)
    at rpg_core.js:4068
    at Array.forEach ()

    1. SoulOfRock

      Oh, when i summon the new actor happends too, sorry
      TypeError: Cannot read property ‘isEnemy’ of null
      at Sprite_Animation.updateSvePosition (YEP_X_AnimatedSVEnemies.js:2773)
      at Sprite_Animation.updatePosition (YEP_X_AnimatedSVEnemies.js:2769)
      at Sprite_Animation.updateMain (rpg_sprites.js:1354)
      at Sprite_Animation.update (rpg_sprites.js:1240)
      at rpg_core.js:4068
      at Array.forEach ()
      at Sprite.update (rpg_core.js:4066)
      at rpg_core.js:4068
      at Array.forEach ()
      at Sprite.update (rpg_core.js:4066)

  7. Kronos

    Hello everyone.

    Can anyone, if possible at all, tell me how to set the summonning’s level to the summonner’s one? (I mean, if Harold at lvl 60 summons SummoningTest_01, what do I have to do to set SummonningTest_01’s level to Harold’s by default)

  8. Essention

    Hello! Is it possible to use this plugin in some way so that the summon’s skills affect the summoner’s MP/HP/TP rather than it’s own? Or would I have to use different plugins in conjunction with this one?

  9. Seryu

    Hello !
    I have a little problem with the plugin, in fact, I filled the notetag of the skill with the right terms like the video (I made a copy and pasted of the plugin help)
    Everything works, the invocation appears well on the battle screen, but the problem is that it does not appear in the list of characters playable in battle, impossible to control it, it does not appear in the list.
    And even if you add automatic combat in the character, it never attacks, it just appears on the screen but you can’t control it, or move it by itself…
    I don’t get any plugin conflict error message…
    Anyone have an idea ?
    Thanks in advance !

  10. shaman king

    why when you cast your summon as the same lv of your caster(Level: actor.level) its hp/mp is the default lv1??

    does anyone know how to cast the summon with its HP/MP full??

    1. shaman king

      Nevermind, this plugin just do its job if you have no intent on leveling your summon and keep it at lv1 cause its stats(HP, ATK, etc) will be at that level even if you change the lv you want it to have when summoned…

      What can also be done is make various actors to represent one character with different stats each and when you feel like your summon is too weak in a part of your game and want to power it up you just change the summoning skill and actor ID for a stronger version of itself

      A prefereable plugin for a levelable summon than this one is Seki_Summon by Sekunri

  11. Dasheek

    What Javascript code can I run to set the actor level if they’re level is subject to change:

    For example: upon conditions, my Summon actor level will increase outside of battle. But the plugin will only let me set that level in the notetag or by default.

    When I Summon the actor, I want him to be at the customized level which changes. How can I achieve this?

  12. Jaakurin

    In case this is helpful for those asking about adding an option to “dismiss” your summon:

    I looked through the JavaScript for the function that removes the summons at the end of battle. In my game the summoner can only control one summon at a time, so this worked perfectly for me. I just created a skill called Dismiss Summon that calls a common event, and in the common event I call the script: $gameParty.removeAllSummons();

  13. jefferson gonzaga figueiredo

    após finalizar o combate esta dando esse erro : ‘isEnemy’ de null
    alguem pode me ajudar por favor?

  14. Márcio Eduine

    Estou a usar este plugin no RPG Maker MZ e funciona com os plugins Battle Engine Core e Animated SV Enemies do YEF.
    – Não consigo invocar um Actor nas coordenadas que eu quero. O Actor invocado desaparece.
    – Quando tenho 4 Actors em batalha e dois deles invocam cada um Actor (assim fico com 6 Actors em batalha), os 6 não podem usar magias no mesmo turno (aparece uma mensagem a dizer “MAXIMUM STACK EXCEEDED”).

    – Seria muito bom se desse para invocar um Actor usando um item.
    – Também seria muito bom se o Actor invocado fosse único alvo dos ataques inimigos.

  15. Nymoddo

    All was working well until suddenly everytime i use a summon skill i get the error
    “TypeError Failed to execute ‘createLinearGradient’ on ‘CanvasRenderingContext2D’: The provided double value is non-finite.”

    Ive followed it down to this addon but i cannot find where the error is, could someone help me?

  16. jedite1000

    I get an error if my summoned monster is out after the battle ends, it says Error: object too deep
    it probably cant be seen during the victory screen or something since its not a real actor and only a temporary one

  17. anananks

    Hello i have a question is it possible for each skill to have different max number of summon per actor for example. i mean the restrict per skill and restrict per position variable. could it be possible to have them different for each skill. this is because i would want multiple categories of summon.

  18. voodoorocket

    Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘length’ of undefined

    I get this error, this is the only active plugin, how do I fix this?


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