This plugin gives more options for one’s Game Over scene. Common Events can be called and a command window has been added, allowing players to load the game, retry, or return the title screen.
This plugin allows Common Events to be played at the end of the battle depending on the results.
This plugin allows developers to drastically reduce the file sizes of data files within their project and helps protect data files from being reopened.
This plugin adds various Bitmap functions to allow color transformations to characters, battlers, and weapons.
This plugin requires the Camera Core plugin:
This plugin allows developers to set the camera to move based on what regions the player moves onto.
This plugin allows developers to preform various camera motions including focusing and zooming.
This plugin allows developers to set up automatic updates to occur whenever a player plays the game while internet is available.
This plugin gives developers control over the information provided within the Battle Status windows for each Actor.
This plugin allows developers to customize the window set up of battles within their game.
This plugin allows developers to use Walk Character images as side-view battlers for Actors and Enemies.